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Do you know that a sneeze travels at 165Km/hr?

According to the above picture-
Two rotaviruses: the one on the right is coated with antibodies that stop its attaching to cells and infecting them
(simply means that the antibodies has blocked the "legs" of the virus that could have entered into your body system).

2 natural substances that contains Antibodies in the world are:
1) Blood 2)Colostrum

Do you know that a sneeze travels at 165Km/hr? Wonder why you can get sick when someone sneezes near you...

Why you should be taking your Alpha Lipid colostrum today??

3 most important reasons:

1) To protect yourself against viruses! ( even the slightest flu, will cause you lots of discomfort & inconveinence)
2) To have very good skin like Mckayla and me!!
3) To protect and care for your love ones (children, friends, parents, spouse...)- they need much more than we do!!!

LOOK BELOW For ALPHA LIPID Lifeline's effectiveness!!